
Alessandra Briamonte

Alessandra Briamonte was born in Puglia in the province of Bari. She has 20 years of experience in the cosmetic and Permanent Make-Up sector and over time she dedicates particular attention to permanent make-up, carrying out her profession with passion in her studio in the centre of Bari. His Mission is to loudly support the beauty that is inherent in each of us without altering the harmony of the face.

In these long years of activity he has attended many courses and master classes as a student, because he believes that the best investment should be made on his training.

Among his teachers we find several names (also world famous) such as: Holger Hoffman, Anna Maria Finelli, Toni Belfatto, Ennio Orsini, Dorota Szolc, Rebecca Chung, Branko Babic, Oksana Martinenko, Sviatoslav Otchenash, to name but a few. In 2003 he played an important role as Master for "Goldeneye" and later became Master Teacher for Anna Maria Finelli's academy.

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